Hoje apetecia-me..

Apesar do fresquinho que se faz sentir, apetecia-me estar na praia, numa zona entre dunas mas não longe do mar, a apanhar sol quente e a sentir a brisa. Deitar me na areia, descalçar-me e sentir a areia sobre os meus pés, sentir a água nos pés. Caminhar um pouco. Oh como me apetecia.

Em vez disso fico junto à janela a ouvir músicas como as seguintes. Que paz.

I’m gonna keep you warm is cold outside
Protect you from the storm is war outside
You know I love you baby
No need to worry about me

Tell me what am I supposed to do
Why you got me sitting in here waiting on you
Baby hurry hurry come back
And give me some love this afternoon
Cause I can’t wait to see you smile
Could you stay a little while
And do the things only lovers do

Try not to think about
How I am gonna do without your touch
Your touch
And I can’t stop thinking about the love I need so much
And until you come back to me
There will be no

Vexation of spirit is a waste of time
Negative thinking don't you waste your thoughts
Verbal conflict is a waste of word
Physical conflict is a waste of flesh
People will always be who they want
and that's what really makes to world go round
Unconditional love is scarce  


you see, you've always had faith in me
and so i'll have faith in you.... you...
you've always been there for me
and so i'll be there for you.... you...
you've always been good to me
even when i'm not good to myself
you've always been fair to me
even when i'm not fair to myself
you've always done right by me
so i'll do right by you.... you... 

E a vida continua...


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